GTA 4 / Call of Duty 2

Grand Theft Auto IV

 Depois de uma longa espera, finalmente a nova versão da popular série de jogos Grand Theft Auto saiu para PC! Agora no GTA 4 você controla Niko Bellic em busca do sonho americano. Tive o prazer e oportunidade de jogar e zerar esse jogo no Xbox 360, mas o público alvo do PortalCab é para aquelas pessoas que jogam GTA no computador! Por isso decidi colocar apenas os códigos e cheats para PC abaixo. =D
 O mais interessante do GTA 4, em relação aos cheats, é o fato de você digitá-los no celular do Niko! Portanto os códigos na verdade são números de telefone. Você abre o seu celular, digita o número e o efeito acontece! =)
 Ah! Mas é importante ressaltar que os códigos e malícia interferem diretamente nas missões e conquistas relacionadas ao jogo, tal como no seu quadro de status, portanto seria interessante criar uma nova gravação para usar todos os códigos e ver os seus efeitos. Abaixo seguem todos os códigos e seus respectivos efeitos. Boa diversão e até a próxima com mais informações relacionadas ao GTA IV! \o/
Código (telefone) = Efeito

482-555-0100 = Recupera seu sangue, colete e munição
362-555-0100 = Recupera seu colete
486-555-0100 = Disponibiliza uma seleção de armas
486-555-0150 = Outro pacote de armas diferentes do código acima
267-555-0100 = A polícia para de lhe perseguir
267-555-0150 = Aumenta o nível de procurado
468-555-0100 = Muda o tempo do jogo (chuva, sol, etc...)
359-555-0100 = O "Annihiliator" aparece do nada
938-555-0100 = Um "Jetmax" aparece do nada
625-555-0100 = Um "NRG-900" aparece do nada
625-555-0150 = Um "Sanchez" aparece do nada
227-555-0100 = Um "FIB Buffalo" aparece do nada
227-555-0175 = Um "Comet" aparece do nada
227-555-0147 = Um "Turismo" aparece do nada
227-555-0142 = Um "Cognoscenti" aparece do nada
227-555-0168 = Um "SuperGT" aparece do nada
948-555-0100 = Informações a respeito da música que estiver tocando no momento

Call of Duty 2 Hints & Cheats

Game Guide

·         Call of Duty 2 Game Guide

It's time to save Europe from the Nazi war machine yet again! GameSpot's game guide has a complete walkthrough and plenty of tips for your online play, as well!

Call of Duty 2 Cheat Codes


At the main menu screen of the demo enter the "Game Options" and Enable the Console. From there, push your tilde (~) button to bring down the console and type the following:
seta thereisacow "1337"
followed by
spdevmap eldaba

This will start the demo level with devmap and cheats enabled. This allows you to use any of the commands in game without restriction. When in game, bring down the console and enter any of the commands from below to activate the 'cheat'.
Infinite health.
give all
Each time it's entered you'll be given 2 different weapons from the demo.
Walk / Fly through walls.
Enemies ignore you.
give ammo
Refill your ammunition / grenades.
jump_height 128
Moon jump (jump_height 39 for default).
timescale .25
Slow motion (timescale 1 for default).

Play Any Mission

Bring down the console in game with your tilde key (the key to the left of "1") and enter the following to play your desired mission. This will allow you to play missions you are yet to unlock.
map moscow
Play "Red Army Training"
map demolition
Play "Demolition"
map decoytrenches
Play "The Diversionary Raid"
map decoytown
Play "Holding The Line"
map elalamein
Play "El Alamein"
map eldaba
Play "The End Of The Beginning"
map tankhunt
Play "Repairing The Wire"
map trainyard
Play "Railroad Station No. 1"
map downtown_assault
Play "Downtown Assault"
map cityhall
Play "Stalingrad City Hall"
map downtown_sniper
Play "Comrade Sniper"
map libya
Play "Crusader Charge"
map 88ridge
Play "88 Ridge"
map toujane_ride
Play "Armoured Car Escape"
map toujane
Play "Retaking Toujane"
map matmata
Play "Assault On Matmata"
map duhoc_assault
Play "The Battle Of Pointe Du Hoc"
map duhoc_defend
Play "Defending The Pointe"
map silotown
Play "The Silo"
map beltot
Play "Prisoners Of War"
map crossroads
Play "The Crossroads"
map hill400_defend
Play "The Battle For Hill 400"
map hill400_assault
Play "Rangers Lead The Way"
map bergstein
Play "Bergstein"
map breakout
Play "The Brigade Box"
map newvillers
Play "The Tiger"
map rhine
Play "The Crossing Point"

Unlock Any Mission

The following cheats will allow you to unlock any mission of your choosing in the mission select screen. Bring down the console with the tilde key (button to the left of "1") in game and type the following commands to unlock your desired mission sets.
/seta mis_01 9
Unlock "The Winter War" Mission Set
/seta mis_02 9
Unlock "The Battle Of El Alamein" Mission Set
/seta mis_03 9
Unlock "Not One Step Backwards!" Mission Set
/seta mis_04 9
Unlock "Fortress Stalingrad" Mission Set
/seta mis_05 9
Unlock "The Tank Squadrons" Mission Set
/seta mis_06 9
Unlock "Rommel's Last Stand" Mission Set
/seta mis_07 9
Unlock "D-Day" Mission Set
/seta mis_08 9
Unlock "The Battle For Caen" Mission Set
/seta mis_09 9
Unlock "Hill 400" Mission Set
/seta mis_10 9
Unlock "Crossing The Rhine" Mission Set

Command to Show FPS

Shows your Frames Per Second in the game. Useful for benchmarks and likewise.
/cg_drawFPS 1
Simple FPS Display
/cg_drawFPS 2
Verbose FPS Display
/cg_drawFPS 3
Time FPS Display
/cg_drawFPS 0
Display Off

Devloper 2 - console enabled

In SINGLE PLAYER / RETAIL VERSION of the game, from the options menu under SYSTEM and select GAME OPTIONS and ENABLE CONSOLE click until YES is displayed. Then click back until you get to the main menu. Type the "~" tilde symbol, upper left character to the left of the "1" key. The console will be displayed, next type "developer 2" omitting the double quotes and strike the "Enter" key. A new menu item will apeear labeled "LOAD" in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. It will take a few seconds before the list of games are retrieved and displayed. Scroll through the list and select a game. Once the game/scenario has been loaded, left click on your mouse to start the sceneario. Once you have reached a point in the game where you have the desired weapons to finish the scenario, bring up the console by typing the tilde "~" aymbol. Now type "give ammo" omitting the double quotes. This should provide a ffull load for all weapons and the max loadout for both fragmentation grenades and smokew grenades. Now that you are at developer 2 level, all level difficulties will be enhanced. Remaining enemies still aftive in the scenario will fire upon you and attack you unless they are tied down by territorial or restrictive code. You may also type any other applicable code. For a list of commands, with the console enabled, type "AI ~ cmdlist" omitting the double quotes and this will list all commands as well as all messages up to that point in the game. Use the "Page Up" and "Page Down " keys to scroll through the list. I do not have a full explanation of all commands and cannot provide support at this time. Please advise me of any discrepancies. I have played all scenarios except for the TANK BATTLES with "developer 2" active and have noted a mrked increase in difficulty over the "developer 0" default level.
developer 2
inreased difficulty level, allows cheats
give ammo
provides full ammo loads for all wepons including grenades
give all
random weapon selection loads new weapons